What happens when animation meets static works of art? In the augmented reality tour Re-MIX at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, 20 Swiss animators present their perspectives on 20 exhibits in the form of short films. The overarching theme is “Resources”.
Appointments & Tickets
Tue 3.9. • 10:00 - 17:00
Aargauer KunsthausWed 4.9. • 10:00 - 17:00
Aargauer KunsthausThu 5.9. • 10:00 - 20:00
Aargauer KunsthausFri 6.9. • 10:00 - 17:00
Aargauer KunsthausSat 7.9. • 10:00 - 17:00
Aargauer KunsthausSun 8.9. • 10:00 - 17:00
Aargauer KunsthausProject management
Amélie Cochet (Fantoche), Jan Lässig (Aargauer Kunsthaus)
Entry is free during the festival with a Fantoche festival pass.
Filmmakers in the exhibition
Camille Bovey, Lausanne
Lalita Brunner, London
Team Tumult: Nina Christen, Bern
Arianna De Angelis, Lugano
Eisprung: Veronica L. Montaño, Joel Hofmann, Bern
Sandra Golay, Jouxtens-Mézery
Dirk Koy, Münchenstein
Jonathan Laskar, Biel/Bienne
Sophie Laskar, Biel/Bienne
Giulia Martinelli, Zürich
Milly Miljkovic, Lugano
Silvain Monney, Vevey
Valentine Moser, Lausanne
Etienne Mory, Bern
Antonin Niclass, Lausanne / London
Fabian Schäublin, Zürich
Tiny Giant: Claudia Röthlin, Yves Gutjahr, Emmen
Martine Ulmer, Bern
Livia Werren, Stuttgart
Kerstin Zemp, Bern