Content Notes

(Animation) films can, must and want to move people by addressing social and individual conflicts in today’s world. This sometimes includes showing sensitive content. Depending on personal experiences, some people may find this content painful or distressing. To enable our audience to make informed and individualised decisions, we use content notes.  

Content notes provide additional information to indicate that certain topics are explicitly or implicitly discussed and may trigger strong emotional reactions. They are used when there are explicit depictions and/or when violent content is central to the plot. We are aware that people react differently to content, which is why we draw particular attention to this matter. Not all potentially disturbing content can be labelled accordingly, but the synopses of the films usually indicate the respective thematic focus.  

Content notes are sometimes criticised for anticipating film content. In the spirit of self-determination, we therefore leave it to our audience to familiarize themselves with this information as required. The content notes can be viewed for all programmes in the PDF below.   

Content Notes (PDF)

We mark the following categories in our programmes:   

  • Racism  

  • Strobe light, rapid image change  

  • Suicide  

  • Self-harm or body modification  

  • Psychological violence  

  • Physical violence  

  • Sexualised violence  

  • Femicide  

  • Portrayals of refugees/war or experiences of refugees/war  

  • Abortion 

  • Discrimination against people with disabilities  

  • Discrimination against women  

  • Discrimination against LGBTQIA+  

  • Explicit sexual content  

  • Cruelty to animals 

Selecting which categories to mark is based on an ongoing process and can be further developed and adapted. If you have any questions or comments on the topic, the Fantoche team is always available at