Kids Film Competition

Kids Film Competition 2

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 4.9. • 16:15 - 17:10
Orient Cinema

Sat 7.9. • 12:15 - 13:10
Cinema Trafo 3

8+ 61'
Artist present Artist present

Selection Team

  • Vincent Adatte (CH)
  • Simon Spiegel (CH)
  • Anja Kofmel (CH)
  • Adeline Stern (CH)
  • Nora Trenkel (CH)



Escape Velocity, Svetlana Zhukova, RU 2023 | © Escape Velocity, Svetlana Zhukova, RU 2023
Escape Velocity
The hunger of a lab snail makes it the unexpected heroine of huge adventures. This Russian film shows that even small creatures can sometimes have a big impact.

  Direction Svetlana Zhukova Duration 6' Language English Country Russia Year 2023
Animation Svetlana Zhukova, German Katalkin, Marianna Devina Sound design Nadezhda Shestakova

Enjoy your Meal., Sofie Kienzle, Christian Manzke, DE 2023 | © Enjoy your Meal., Sofie Kienzle, Christian Manzke, DE 2023
Enjoy your Meal.
On planet Banana, no one seems to be worried about the future. In very little time, this stop motion film reflects on the topic of consumerism and the consequences for the environment. Direction Sofie Kienzle, Christian Manzke Duration 3' Language English Country Germany Year 2023
Animation Sofie Kienzle, Christian Manzke Sound design Sofie Kienzle, Christian Manzke

In This Together, Jiamu Tao, US 2023 | © In This Together, Jiamu Tao, US 2023
In This Together
On this short journey from big to small, you can get quite dizzy. This animated film from the USA adopts an amusing approach to showing us that there are different views of reality.
Direction Jiamu Tao Duration 1' Country United States
Animation Jiamu Tao Sound design Anastasia Alice Wibisono

Coralli, Valentina Bizzantino, Maria Matilde Fondi, IT 2023 | © Coralli, Valentina Bizzantino, Maria Matilde Fondi, IT 2023
A girl dreams of the sea, which is so close and yet unreachable. Several years later, she takes us to an enchanted underwater world that she has managed to get to. This serene stop motion film is made using paper. Direction Maria Matilde Fondi Duration 9' Language Italian Country Italy Year 2023
Animation Valentina Bizzantino, Maria Matilde Fondi Music Giordana Riccio Sound design Valentina Bizzantino, Maria Matilde Fondi

Cave of Warmth, Shamir Raiapov, KG 2023 | © Cave of Warmth, Shamir Raiapov, KG 2023
Cave of Warmth
In this Kyrgyz film, the daughter of a hunter and a young wolf are looking for their parents. When they find them, they face a difficult decision. The film poetically questions the possibility of peace against a backdrop of intergenerational conflicts. Direction Shamir Raiapov Duration 4' Language Kirghiz Country Kyrgyzstan Year 2023
Animation Chyngyz Asanaliev Music Alym Tursunbaev Sound design Alym Tursunbaev

Abubilla, Rafael Vidal Vidal Altabert, Julián Gómez Caballero, ES 2023 | © Abubilla, Rafael Vidal Vidal Altabert, Julián Gómez Caballero, ES 2023
Abubilla is the name of the bird in the starring role of this Spanish stop motion film. We follow him to the rhythm of a song as he fights against the consequences of the destruction of his habitat. Can he do something to stop the deforestation? Direction Rafael Vidal Vidal Altabert, Julián Gómez Caballero Duration 3' Language Spanish Country Spain Year 2023
Animation Julián Gómez Caballero Music Ajayu Dúo Sound design Ajayu Dúo

THE SWINEHERD, Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith, DK 2023 | © THE SWINEHERD, Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith, DK 2023
A princess and a swineherd are bored. Boredom leads to creativity – but does the King agree with the way in which the princess and the swineherd entertain themselves? The 3D computer-animated film retells an old Danish fairy tale in an amusing way.  Direction Magnus Igland Møller Duration 7' Country Denmark Year 2023
Animation Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith Music Thomas Richard Christensen Sound design Audiogangsters

Every Other Weekend, James Naughton, IE 2023
Every Other Weekend
It’s often the small things you remember best: the feeling of raindrops on your skin or the sand between your toes. In this poetic Irish film, we delve into the childhood memories of an adult on a camping weekend with their father and sister. Direction James Naughton Duration 5' Language English Country Ireland Year 2023
Animation Niamh Asple, James Naughton, Niamh Mahon Music Carl Engstedt, Naosan Moore Sound design Carl Engstedt, Naosan Moore, James Naughton

PURE MAGIC, Alistair Kerr, GB  2024 | © PURE MAGIC, Alistair Kerr, GB  2024
A magician is preparing a dangerous illusion – will it go well? This funny stop motion film made using plasticine allows us to experience the thrills. Direction Alistair Kerr Duration 5' Language English Country United Kingdom Year 2024
Animation Alistair Kerr Music Alistair Kerr Sound design Alistair Kerr

Children of the Bird, Júlia Tudisco, HU 2024 | © Children of the Bird, Júlia Tudisco, HU 2024
Children of the Bird
This film explains the myth behind the creation of our planet. Two gods create the world and complement one another perfectly – until humankind is born. An atmospheric and profound film about mutual respect and tolerance of all living beings.   Direction Julia Tudisco Duration 11' Country Hungary Year 2024
Music Bálint Szabó Sound design Péter Lukács

Kugelfisch, Julia Ocker, DE 2022 | © Kugelfisch, Julia Ocker, DE 2022
A puffer fish keeps being disturbed while playing peacefully. But he has a strategy to drive away the troublemakers. A funny film on the topic of anxiety and how we can deal with it. Direction Julia Ocker Duration 4' Country Germany Year 2022
Animation Sofiia Melnyk Music Christian Heck, Sumophonic Sound design Christian Heck, Sumophonic

The Creators, Madeleine Homan, GB 2023
The Creators
Could the world look totally different to how we know it? This film presents a humorous look at an unusual, mysterious story of creation. A philosophical film about the coincidences of our existence. Direction Madeleine Homan Duration 5' Country United Kingdom Year 2023
Animation Madeleine Homan Music Tom Redburn Sound design Kai McClymont