Fantoche Industry Day

The ninth Industry Day brings together representatives of the national and international animation scene under the motto of “Expand the Craft”. It aims to explore the pathways open to the industry in Switzerland and see which of them can be expanded.

Curated by: Amélie Cochet, Veronica L. Montaño

Moderated by: Jane Mumford

Industry Breakfast

A relaxed introduction to an informative day of events over coffee and pastries.

9:00 – 9:30, Trafo Hall 36.2

Focus Switzerland: Series now

Collaborators involved in three current Swiss animated series discuss their work process, the creation of these endeavours and the challenges associated with them.

9:30 – 10:40, Trafo Hall 36.2

Moderated by: Teresa Vena (Cinébulletin)

International Focus: Who's done it?

What’s going on outside Switzerland? What does it mean to create internationally successful series and what role do animation schools play as a starting point for creative work on a professional level?

10:50 – 12:00, Trafo Hall 36.2

Workshop: (Script) Writing for Series

Claire Espagno, lecturer at the renowned GOBELINS school for animation and experienced screenwriter, analyses examples of successful series with the participants and shares her experience.

13:00 – 15:20 Trafo, Watt 2

On-site registration

Presentation: Immersive Storytelling VR/AR

An immersive presentation by established Swiss animation and media artist Fabienne Giezendanner guides the audience into 360° film universes and explains what makes them special.

13:00 – 14:00 Trafo Hall 36.2

Presentation: The Craft of Mental Health

Dario van Vree (Studio Pupil) reports on the process of making the animated adaptation of the “Burnout Diaries”. Isabelle Leuenberger (certified psychologist) provides supplementary expert information on burnout and how to prevent it.

14:05 – 15:20, Trafo Hall 36.2

Artist Talk: Julia Pott

Julia Pott, one the most important contemporary players in the international animation scene (“Belly”, “Summer Cap Island”), offers exclusive insights from behind the scenes of her work process.

15:30 – 17:00 Trafo Hall 36.2

In the presence of: Julia Pott

Swiss Animation Industry Award (SAIA)

The shortlist of the best animated advertising and commissioned films in Switzerland is showcased in collaboration with the Swissfilm Association. One film will be crowned and sent to battle it out for Edi.23.

17:15 – 18:30 Trafo Hall 36.2

Presenting Partner/Prize donor: SWISSFILM ASSOCIATION

SAIA Shortlist